Do Happy Work
In the Do Happy Work Podcast, we explore how universal and natural concepts can be applied in leadership and transform the way we view and do work with one goal: To build happy businesses that express who we truly are.
126 episodes
Are you worth it?
We're here to play the biggest game that is right for us. To find out what that is, you have to listen- not just to this episode, but it's a start!

An entrepreneur that is at peace knows no limits
An entrepreneur that is at peace is a person that is truly alive. Uncertainty doesn't worry them. Business peaks and valleys are just another opportunity to experience life and relationships. Their business is a temple of peace that nurtures an...

Compassion in Finance With Michael Knapp
Michael is a true Intupreneur at heart—but it wasn’t always that way.Working in finance, he encountered values that clashed with his deep compassion and kindness. So, how did he pivot without leaving the industry? And how does he stay tr...

The natural movement of entrepreneurship
Intuitive entrepreneurs face pain, challenges, and hardships head-on, turning them into momentum for breakthroughs. Life isn’t always pretty, but we keep going- just like in business. The lows pave the way for the highs.

Growth takes real courage
In this episode, I dive into the mind and how it processes courage because true growth, true expression, requires a specific kind of courage.

2025: The Year for Intuitive Entrepreneurship
I kick off the new year and season by exploring how true, fulfilling entrepreneurship requires embracing the full spectrum of our mind—both the masculine energy of logic and rationale, and the feminine energy of intuition and creativity. Too of...

What is your real WHY?
The word WHY has been tossed around so much. What does WHY really mean? What does it mean in relation to YOU? To your work?

You deserve MORE
The word more is used so casually in conversation. Have you ever stopped to examine its significance? It means so much "more" than you think.

What were you really born to do?
We just into jobs too quickly without really understanding what our true self-identity is. That is why so many people fall into a work funk. In this episode, I talk about some of the changes my wife is going through in her career. She was graci...

The only way through is IN
Life is not about safety and comfort. Life is about relentless experience.

Starting your own business?
Ever feel like every coffee shop looks and feels the same? It’s a trend these days, where unique ideas seem to blur into one standard experience. But here’s the truth: while anyone can start a business, only a few make it a true reflection of t...

What is consciousness?
Consciousness, awareness, desire, peace... what do they all mean and how do they relate to your ability to Do Happy Work. That is what I get into in this episode.

Are you a confident leader?
In this episode, we question what is means to be a confident leader. Is confidence a requirement in all leaders? Is it easily obtained? Should we be wary of leaders that appear overly confident?

Your professional journey is a hero's journey
Everything you have been through professionally has got you exactly where you are. Nothing is wasted. Your experiences are what make you. Use them to express your Happy Work.

Peace is what we are all after
Why do you work? Because in this society, you need money to exist. What do you want that money for? You want it to create freedom. What is freedom if not being at peace with who you are? Don't fall for the rat race lie. You can achieve peace at...

Don't be so emotional
Don't be so emotional. To which we say, "why not?" Emotions are not bad. We shouldn't be ashamed of our emotions or ashamed of expressing them at work. However, there is a difference between having emotions at work and being emotional at work.&...

Be your own reason
Why is it so hard for us to be our own reason? If this sounds confusing, join us in this discussion. Too many of us need reasons for being and doing. This type of dependent, conditional living takes a toll on our peace and well-being. It's time...

Growth happens on the edges of the comfort and uncomfort zone
True growth doesn't come from taking drastic leaps but from understanding oneself and taking measured steps forward. This episode highlights the essential elements of self-discovery, encouraging you to embrace self-awareness and confront your f...

Breathe better, work better
We talk about sourcing energy, sourcing food, sourcing products and other things. What about sourcing our breath? If you are someone who claims to be mindful about what they put in their body, you better start examining where you source your br...

How much money do I need?
When is enough, enough? If I live comfortably, if my family's needs are met and I even have savings, why do I still feel like I need to make more and more and more? How much money do I really need? Am I investing it well? So many q...

Meditation is a waste of time if you don't do this first
Meditation is great, but it's not the starting point. If you are not aware of your current mental state, if you have too much noise and a lack of self-awareness, meditation is only a band-aid. You must meet yourself in silence first. No expecta...

A conversation with Jeff Perlis
Jeff Perlis is a connector and community builder. He loves nothing more than putting his favorite people together in a room to see what happens (and everyone is his favorite person!). That is what makes Jeff Perlis, owner of Prime Properties in...